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{I Do} Love Our Living Room Rug

24 Aug

All I can keep saying in my head is: “That rug really tied the room together, did it not?”

If you’ve never seen the Big Lebowski then you have no idea what I’m talking about, but for those of you that have, hopefully you got a laugh (insert sassy comment from Chris here :)).

Anyway! After months and months of searching and then finally getting our rug – here is the initial result. I also ordered those fabulous lattice yellow and brown pillow cases off Etsy. I’ll write another post on that because the seller deserves her own dedicated post! More (and better) pics of the rug/living room to come.

Just as a reminder, here’s a link to where we got the rug: Modern Trellis Rugs

Modern Trellis Beige Rug

16 Aug

We’ve, finally, ordered a rug for the living room. After literally searching through every site on the internet and visiting Home Goods every weekend…here is the one we settled on. We found it on and they are doing free shipping and 30% off right now. Pictures to come when it arrives!

Homespun Modern Trelllis Beige Rug