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Letters in the Home

3 Oct

In some rooms I absolutely love the idea of monogrammed letters, or spelling out a particular word, like “EAT” in the kitchen. Here are a few I found that are fun:

{Photo Sources: | |}

{I Do} Autumn Decorating With Lanterns

12 Sep

It’s no secret that I’m a summer girl. I get it right from my mom. But what I also get from my mom is the love for Fall/Autumn decorating. When I was growing up my mom always made sure the house was decorated for Fall/Halloween. It inspired me to think about how I will do the same throughout our house as the change of season is upon us. Time to bring out the lanterns and buy some pumpkins, gourds, and colorful corn! If you’re also looking to get inspired, here are some great ways to utilize lanterns in your Autumn decor:

{Photo Credit: jengrantmorris}

{Photo Credit: Caroline Tran Photography via Style Me Pretty}

Lanterns for Home Decor{Source:}

Fall Lantern Decor{Photo Source:}

{I Do} Love Our Style Shoot

29 Aug

I have to share a side project I did – and most of you that are reading this will have seen it before. But recently I did a style shoot for my company – and it was gorgeous. I am also going to share more of it when I feature it again tomorrow on the company blog. But I had to share how much I love this country chic set-up – I would DIE for those chairs in our house.

Photographyckudesign studios | FlowersHolly Heider Chapple Flowers | LinensPartyRentalLTD

{I Do} Freebie Friday (posted early)!

14 Jul

I was really excited and had to post this early…

I’m like all of the rest of you and love free downloads. I remember seeing The Wedding Chicks site where they have free stuff to download for your wedding and wishing that had been around when I was planning our wedding.

My officemate and I are currently decorating our room, and I wanted to share some of the stuff I’ve made that we’re putting on our walls. Here’s the first one. We are both HUGE Friday Night Lights fans (so is Chris), so I created one of our favorite sayings, and in spirit of the FNL final episode this week…here’s your freebie Friday!

To Download: 

Click on the image so it opens in a new tab/window

Right click to save it to your computer

Open image in any image program and print!

Recommended print size is 8×10, if you need a larger size, comment below and I’ll provide it!

(image above may look fuzzy, but that is because it’s in lower resolution, click for hi-res phot0)