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{I Do} Freebie Friday (posted early)!

14 Jul

I was really excited and had to post this early…

I’m like all of the rest of you and love free downloads. I remember seeing The Wedding Chicks site where they have free stuff to download for your wedding and wishing that had been around when I was planning our wedding.

My officemate and I are currently decorating our room, and I wanted to share some of the stuff I’ve made that we’re putting on our walls. Here’s the first one. We are both HUGE Friday Night Lights fans (so is Chris), so I created one of our favorite sayings, and in spirit of the FNL final episode this week…here’s your freebie Friday!

To Download: 

Click on the image so it opens in a new tab/window

Right click to save it to your computer

Open image in any image program and print!

Recommended print size is 8×10, if you need a larger size, comment below and I’ll provide it!

(image above may look fuzzy, but that is because it’s in lower resolution, click for hi-res phot0)