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{I Do} DIY Blueprint Design Apps

5 Aug

Something I’m always fascinated with is blue prints. I think that’s because my father studied interior design in college and has always designed blue prints for the houses we grew up in. While searching through iPhone apps the other night I found this AMAZING floor layout creator called MagicPlan.

You literally stand in the middle of the room you want to measure/create a blueprint for and it takes the dimensions and builds the walls for you. It’s pretty phenomenal. Then, while “stumbling” today, I came across this site:

Combine the two together – and you’re set to start creating your designs on your computer! I haven’t uploaded a full layout yet, so stay tuned for a full review!

{I Do} Home Security System

7 Jun

I am a believer in safety first, so when Groupon had a deal for Lifeshield Home Security Systems, I jumped right on it. I know this isn’t the glitz and glamor of house decor but I was pretty excited when it was sitting on my desk this morning when I came into work. Plus it’s the first thing I’ve pre-ordered for the house, since we are holding off on all purchases until we get in.


Also if you’re interested they are running a deal in this week too!