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{I Don’t} When the Unexpected Happens…

19 Jul


This post is about preparing yourselves for the worst when you move into your first home. Because just when you think all is great and your only budget is for rugs, lamps, garden materials, and grass seed…the unexpected happens.

You discover that you need a brand new sewage pipe line. Yep, one month into living at our new house, and we’re maxing out our credits for the $8,000 dig in our front yard. To say that we’re devastated is an understatement. Here’s the most recent flood that happened on Monday:

Here are my tips for all of the potential home-buyers or home-owners.

1) If you are buying an old house, and you can afford to do it, have a plumber come in and check all of the sewer lines as part of your inspection process.

2) If you are buying a foreclosure, you definitely want to make sure you get the plumbing inspected. Make sure they go to the end of your line, as some plumbing inspections only go in about 20 feet deep (to find any potential problems, you’ll want the entire line snaked).

3) Don’t go for the cheapest plumber on the block when you experience a flood or drainage issue – some plumbers will do quick fixes, but for something like your sewer, you want someone who can FIX the problem, not just put a band-aid on it.

At this time I won’t mention the exact company we are going with, as I want them to complete the job before mentioning them. However, thus far, they have provided excellent customer service. They arrived within 1 hour of me calling on a Monday morning, they include a camera service with every job they do, and when they discovered the broken pipe, they told us they would be able to break ground in 36 hours. That means a lot when it comes to your water/sewer.

I think I may have taken my 15 minute showers for granted. But soon enough I’ll be back to the luxury of a dishwasher, laundry machine, shower/bath…all at the small price of $8,000.

And to think my next purchase was a gorgeous rug…