Tag Archives: Pumpkin Decorating

{I Do} Love Pumpkins!

5 Oct

I have a confession (yes another one). I’m obsessed with pumpkins. I bugged Chris the entire ride home from Ocean City last weekend every time we passed a pumpkin patch because I wanted to stop and check out their stock of pumpkins and gourds. I actually had a few uncarved ones on my dining room table last year far past a date that was ok…it may have been December-ish. They were white though – so they sort of went with the Holiday feel…ack!

Okay now that I’ve let that out. Let’s get to the true task at hand – Decorating for Halloween. This is our first year in our new house, with Trick-or-Treaters! What this means is that I have to get serious about what type of decor we’re going to do. Fun and stylish, or really scary. I am leaning towards something in the middle of the two, because ideally we don’t want to scare everyone’s children so badly that we make a bad impression with our new neighbors.

Let’s start with the pumpkin ideas. And please, thoughts and feedback are welcome on which is your favorite:

Glitter, White, & Silver:

Adorably Painted & Polkadots:

Mustached & Funny:

Cute & Traditional:


All That Glitters is Gold & Fabulous:

Patterned to Perfection:

Glamorous in Glitter:

{Photo Sources: frugalflourish.blogspot.com | allyou.com | casaetrend.it | 
thecraftingchicks.com | agrablewski.com | blog.tinyprints.com | 